

Blindness: Simply put, this was the worst movie that I have seen in a good 10 years. I hated it! Was it trying to make some sort of social message….I am still not sure. Maybe it was an experiment, to see if a horrible movie like this could actually blind you. As for the plot – the entire human race is going blind. The disease is contagious so the government quarantines the blind by themselves in an old hospital. Without their sight they become savages – fighting amongst themselves for survival. To add insult to injury, Danny Glover has a small role that has him wearing an eye patch and mumbling some meaningless rhetoric. Stay far away from this rubbish - it will blind you!

“Kick it to the Floor”
Queue Rating {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}

Body of Lies

Body of Lies: Leonardo DiCaprio and Russell Crowe in a Ridley Scott movie....this has some promise. Promise yes, but in actuality they made a very mediocre film. DiCaprio plays Roger Ferris, a CIA agent searching for terrorists in Jordan. Crowe plays Ed Hoffman the man in charge of the operation back in the states. Their ways of getting things done are quite different and that almost leads to Ferris’ death more than a couple of times. Do they trust Jordan’s security agency or are they plotting against the Americans as well? It all comes across as something we have seen before and seen done better. The ending leaves you guessing and did build up some mild suspense. I faintly recommend…

"Pick it up"

Queue Rating {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}


Flash of Genius

Flash of Genius: I always complain that Hollywood turns out too many remakes and sequels. I want more innovative ideas. Well, when they finally decide to go with an original story we get this: The true narrative on Bob Kearns, the man who invented the intermittent windshield wiper. Lookout! He did not invent the actual wiper mind you, just the way a wiper has a small pause, used when it is a light shower outside. At the time the big three automakers in Detroit were trying to come up with the same invention. Bob beat them to it and presented his idea to Ford. Instead of selling them his idea (easy way), he wanted to open his own manufacturing plant and sell the actual wipers to them (huh?) . The rest of the story goes traditional – evil corporation steals the man’s idea and gives him no credit or money for it - man sues big corporation in a case that took almost 10 years to get to court. There is really no reason to recommend this movie, not that it was terrible by any means. I am just not sure the story deserves its own movie.

Giving it a slight “kick to the floor”
Queue Rating {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10}