The Astronaut Farmer: If you were 10 years old, loved to play with rockets, and in your free time pretended you were a farmer, you would still think this movie sucks! With this film Billy Bob Thornton once again adds to the theory that he chooses his roles with a dart in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. The title says it all, Thornton plays a farmer who builds his own rocket (out of NASA throwaways) in his barn. When he is finally ready to launch it draws not only the attention of the U.S. government, but of the whole nation. I get that we are suppose to look past a lot of the technical details and focus on the message of the story (everyone can achieve their dream), but I just couldn’t. This is a movie that should have been grounded.
“Kick it on the Floor”
“Kick it on the Floor”
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