
Sicko DVD Review

Sicko: Controversial filmmaker Michael Moore opens his mouth to discuss the current healthcare system. Unlike Moore’s last movie Fahrenheit 911, this movie stays away from taking sides politically and stays focused on the issue at hand. Moore himself stays behind the camera for most of the movie allowing the sad and tragic stories do all of the talking. To drive home his point, Moore travels to other countries such as Canada, England, and France to show how a universal heath care system can improve our current situation. The component of the film that I felt was the most powerful and shocking was when Moore focused on “911 rescue workers” and the failure of the health care system to provide them with proper treatment for their 911 inflicted medical conditions. Michael Moore is a master at using delicate humor to showcase sad events - Sicko will make you laugh, yes…….but it will also make you think!!

“Pick it Up”
Queue Rating: Top of Queue {1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10} Bottom of Queue

1 comment:

  1. Some good, some bad.
    Which means better than the norm from Mr. Moore.
