Rescue Dawn: This film is based on the true survival story of Lt. Dieter Dangler. Dangler (played by Christian Bale) was a fighter pilot for the U.S. He was shot down over Laos while on a secret bombing mission at the beginning of the Vietnam War. He was eventually captured and kept prisoner with a few other American soldiers. I guess me calling it a “survival story” gives away the end – he escapes!!! The movie just seemed to miss its mark – take for instance the camaraderie between the captured soldiers. Some elements tried to be humorous while others tried to stir conflict, neither ever giving me a convincing notion of what their relationship was like. I did appreciate the efforts made by the actors to show what it must be like when a solider is kept in those conditions(skin and bones). This is by no means a “bad” movie, just not one I would recommend.
Coin Flip says – “Kick it to the Floor”
Coin Flip says – “Kick it to the Floor”
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