
The Brave One DVD Review

The Brave One: Is Jodi Foster’s vigilante flick a new take on Bronson’s Death Wish? I would say close, but not exactly. Foster plays Erica Bain, a radio talk show host who is a victim of a brutal attack by some hooligans in NY’s Central Park. The attack left her in a coma for 3 weeks and killed her boyfriend who she was with that night…..as for icing on the cake = the hooligans also steal the couple’s dog – mean. Erica then has a difficult time coping with this new sense of fear she has. This leads her to purchase a gun and subsequently go on a “revenge killing spree”. Her victims are always criminals– thus forcing the viewer to make up their mind if her actions are morally right or wrong. The film’s story is seeping with plot holes and there are more than a few spots that boarder on ridiculousness. However, I still found myself enjoying this violent thriller......... Guilty as charged.
“Pick it Up”

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1 comment:

  1. Foster did a pretty good job in Brave One... a good demonstration of the power of fear; it felt like the cop compromised his convictions at the end, tho, kind of a let down
